It’s very easy to blow a free hookup. Seriously. You might go on free hookups a lot, but little do you know you’re actually doing a bad job of it. The only way you’d really know is when these women who used to be so hot to get on your dick are giving you the cold shoulder all of a sudden. This is not an accident. This is done on purpose. Why? The word has gotten around that you’re not much fun to hang out with.
You have to understand that women looking for free hookups are looking for a great time. They are not looking to get bored. They’re not looking for guys who are sloppy. They’re not looking for guys who don’t know what they’re doing.
If you go out on free hookups, you better know how to use your equipment. You better know how to give your partner a good time. Otherwise, you’re just wasting your time. It will be a much better investment of your time if you simply stayed home and watched porn and jerked off. Here are just some of the reasons why guys routinely screw up free hookup dates.
They think it’s free, so they can be sloppy
The problem with a free website is that people think they have no skin in the game. As a result, they don’t really feel that they have to try as hard. This is the kind of negative mentality that erodes your performance. If you think this way and you feel that there’s really not much investment on your part, you’re basically giving yourself license to perform in a very sloppy way. In other words, you are giving yourself license to be very greedy as far as the sex act is concerned.
Well, it doesn’t take a genius to realize that you can drop the ball performance-wise only for so long until the word does get out. Eventually, it will lead to the point where women that you meet at that particular free hookup site wouldn’t want to touch you with a 10-foot pole. It’s not like I can blame them.
They aren’t mentally prepared
A lot of guys simply aren’t mentally prepared for free hookups. You have to understand that the moment you join a free adult dating site, you are entering a weird new world. I’m not saying that it’s some sort of a perverted, fucked-up world that is morally suspect. I’m not judging it; I’m not a player hater, you know. I’m just saying it’s completely different from what you’re used to when it comes to Free Sex Hookups.
Chances are you’ve gone on typical dates where you expect a romantic situation. You bring flowers and candy, you go to carnival shows, aquariums. . . That kind of shit. But with a free hookup it’s straight to the motel, baby. It’s all about bringing a good time, and a lot of guys are simply blown away by this difference.